Well 40 is here! Last Sunday I was talking with a college friend and his wife in Sunday School and he said to me "Well you have a big birthday coming up." My response was "that means yours is coming up soon too.' He then said to me - "can you believe that we have reached the halfway point in our lives." This was a great perspective for me as I reflect on the events of the past few years and that just 4 years ago I started the testing process that eventually revealed my hodgkin's lymphoma. It is only by God's grace alone that I am alive today to celebrate 40 years of life.
Mark reminded me today that we have much to be thankful for today and every day. Now I look forward in hopeful anticipation to the next 40 years of adventure if the Lord wills.
So let the fun begin related to the next year with all of the upcoming adventures. I am looking forward sharing the adventure with you as you participate with me in this fun endeavor.
So here is the final list:
1. Get a spray on tan just to see what I look like with a little color other than red or white!
2. Highlight my hair because I can not because I have to!
3. Hike in the Grand Canyon
4. Be able to do the splits again.
5. Attend a Penn State football game in Pennsylvania!
6. Go snowmobiling
7. Go horseback riding - not on a trail trained horse. Must try side saddle and bare back too!
8. Try Snowshoeing
9. Make a piece of pottery - using the wheel and all!
10. Ride a motorcycle
11. Try a new ethnic food once a month - either at a restaurant, someone's home or make it myself
12. Ride a tandem bike
13. Hot air balloon ride - somewhere really scenic
14. Take some kind of class towards a new degree (not sure what yet!)
15. Dance - Something beautiful
16. Serve those in need in the community at least quarterly
17. Recite from memory an entire book of the Bible
18. Missions Trip
19. Read at least 6 classic novels (the first will be Pilgrims Progress, then I am open for suggestions)
20. Hike a 14,000 peak in Colorado
21. Downhill ski in Europe
22. Prague
23. Catch up on scrapbooking from 2008-present
24. Team in Training Event - I am thinking a half or full marathon - in Ireland to support blood cancer research
25. Buy a pearl bracelet
26. Attend a U2 concert
27. Hustle Up the Hancock
28. Learn to shoot a gun - gun safety class
29. Take a basic self defense class
30. Meet someone Famous
The final 10 as voted on by you....31. Running barefoot on a beach
32. Hang gliding
33. Irish dance lessons
34. Attend a session in DC of the house or senate
35. race a car around a racetrack
36. Go for a winter swim in a body of water
37. Go to the Grand hotel or another hotel get-a-way weekend
38. Pose like Jack Vettriano paintings
39. Kentucky Derby
40. Seder Meal
(41) My personal adventure item that only a few know.
Here are the extra credit suggestions
Hitch hike to Chicago
20. Fly a crop duster
21. Get arrested (but not for something that is arrest worthy)
22. Participate in a flash mob.
23. See a concert in a cave.
24. Learn a new sport
25. Try surfing
26. Cartwheels in Bethany parking ot - 40 of them
27. Write a song to publish in Nashville
So the adventure begins.....Come along and join me for the fun!
I love it! I am so happy to share your adventure and miss you, friend.