Sunday, February 6, 2011

Adventure #16 - Missions Trip December 25, 2010-January 3, 2011

Adventure 16 - Missions Trip
This open door took me to Turkey.  The trip was to support a mission organization's conference for European missionaries and their families.  Our purpose was to provide the children and youth programming for the families by loving on them, teaching and providing cultural experiences with the goal of growing their walk with the Lord.

If you have been reading my other posts, you will then know that my trip really began in Geneva in early December.  Really I consider it God's confirmation that I was to be a part of this team and trip for God's glory.  Only God could orchestrate the meeting of a missionary with a team member from the States while in Geneva as he was teaching at the school where my friend attends for the week.  God really is that big and in these moments God himself is clearly seen.  Malia and I laughed that she was getting to be a part of my trip as she was able to hear Mark teach about Ephesus before I even stepped foot in Turkey or heard the teaching myself.    Also God enabled me to get home so that I could depart with the team rather than departing after a few unplanned days extra in England. 

God calls all believers to be involved in missions - either to go or to support those who go to tell all over the world.  At this point in my life, God's call for me is to find ways to support those who he is sending to the field.  This was such an opportunity to serve. 

My brother, a Christian school teacher in Nashville, always reminds me that just because kids are in a Christian school does not mean that they are believers and that they are still in need of the life changing ministry that comes from the application and living out of the gospel in our daily lives.  As our team taught through Ephesians, we too had the opportunity to speak the truth from God's Word found in this book to these MKs and to assist them as in their walk with the Lord.  God's word too also was at work in my own heart as I spend time studying Ephesians 3 for my time teaching.  God is still using this chapter to challenge my own daily thinking and application in my life.

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