Sunday, February 6, 2011

Extra Credit item - Skate on a frozen body of water January 30, 2011

Ice fishing and ice skating went together today!  Kristin and I headed to her parent's house in Morton for an afternoon of winter fun.  Kristin's dad drilled holes in the pond for fishing while Kristin and I took turns shoveling a circular path on the pond for us to skate!
The fish were not biting.  Kristin and her dad each caught a fish.  I however, caught a fish but in the process of bringing it up through the hole, hit it on the side of the ice and it got it's freedom!  Oh, well.  It was still exciting. 
After and hour of being really cold.  Kristin and I went to warm up by the fire before trying again. 

After another 45 minutes of fishless time, we decided that we were done fishing and got out our skates.  I put on my ice skates while Kristin laced up her roller blades!  We set off along the bumpy path on the pond just laughing and having a good time as we watched each other stumble along.
Kristin's dad prepared the 2 fish and then defrosted some fish from the freezer for a fish fry for dinner!  Yummy!

We had to shovel our own skating rink for this event.  Kristin and I shoveled an oval shaped rink that was the width of 2 shovels.  It was a lot of work as the snow covered a layer of ice.  The rink was definately not smooth and we needed a zamboni to come to our rescue!

Kristin on rollerblades


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